Move Participants to Another Breakout Group

This guide will demonstrate how to move participants between breakout groups.

Viewing the Participant List

Image of the Participants list with the following items: 1.Click on the group name to see the list of members in the group.2.Click on the Options button for the member you wish to move.

To move participants between groups:

  1. Click on the group name to see the list of members in the group.
  2. Click on the Options button for the member you wish to move.

Moving the User to Another Group, Part 1

Image of the participant options menu with the Move to another group option outlined in red

To move the participant, click on the Move to Another Group option.

Moving the User to Another Group, Part 2

Image of the Move user screen.

Drag the user into the group you wish to move the user to and click Update at the bottom when done.