This article will discuss how to take a test in the Proctor U environment. The information in this guide is also covered in video form: Student Experience: Colleges and Universities
Before you Begin your Test
Before you begin you test, please ensure your environment is ideal for testing:
- Have a photo ID ready
- Place your computer on a firm surface such as a desk or table.
- Clear any items not used for testing from the surface you are using and remove any notes you may have on your walls.
- Remove watches and any non-religious headwear you may be wearing.
- Be sure to check your test rules for permitted and prohibited resources.
- Remove any unapproved materials from your work surface.
- Ensure that you are in a quiet environment, and that no one else is in the room.
- Disconnect any additional monitors or displays.
- Have a small mirror or your cell phone to use to assist the proctor with performing the environment scan.
Accessing your Test
Before starting your exam, please use either Chrome or Firefox as your web browser and download the appropriate Proctor U extension
Also, take a moment to test your computer configuration to ensure that your equipment meets the standards required for taking exams in Proctor U.
Once you have the Proctor U extension installed, either go to the Proctor U link in your course, go to and log in, or click on the link in your Proctor U invitation email to launch your test.

Prior to the start of your exam, you will see a countdown timer showing the time remaining until the start of your appointment.

At the start of your appointment time, the countdown timer will be replaced with a Start Session button.
- Click Check Your Exam Rules to view the rules for the current exam.
- Select Start Session to begin your proctoring session.
The link will be available from five minutes before your scheduled session to one hour after your session. If you are unable to test at this time be sure to cancel or reschedule your appointment; otherwise your session would be considered a No Show and you will be ineligible for a refund.
Starting the Proctor U Flight Path
Once you start your proctoring session, you will initiate the Flight Path startup and authentication sequence.

After you have started your session, you will see a welcome screen. Click the Download button to install the LogMeIn Rescue application which will allow the proctor to monitor you and communicate with you during your session.
Once the applet has downloaded, open the file from your downloads folder and install it. You will see the chatbox on screen and you will be be placed in a queue. Once your proctor has connected, you will begin the identity verification process.
Note: Do not redownload the applet. Doing so will move you back to the bottom of the queue.
Verifying Identification

You will be asked to present your identification to your proctor. Take you state-issued ID card and hold it up to your camera. Once the guidelines are green and the ID fallswithin the guidelines, click the Take Photo button to take a photo of young
Accepting the Proctor U Terms and Conditions

On the next screen, you will be presented with the terms and condition from Proctor U. Check the checkboxes and click I Agree to continue.
Sharing your Screen

You will be asked to share your screen with Proctor U. Select your screen from the dialog box and click Share.
Proctor U Terms of Service

You will be asked if you have read and understand the exam rules, as well as Proctor U's privacy policy and terms of service. Click the appropriate check boxes and then click Agree to continue.
Completing the Environment Scan
Once you are connected with a proctor, your proctor will ask to see your exam environment. Please show the proctor all four walls and your work surface. The proctor will also ask to you show any and all permitted resources for the exam (e.g. notes, scratch paper, etc.)
Beginning Your Exam
Your proctor will take control of your computer to open the exam link and enter the proctor passcode. Once the passcode has been entered, the proctor will give control back to you and your exam timer will start.
Taking your Exam
While taking your exam, DO NOT:
- Read questions out load
- Look away from the screen
- Get up from your seat without notifying your proctor.
If you need assistance during your exam, please use the chatbox to interact with your proctor.
Finishing your Exam
When you are finished your exam, use the chatbox to notify your proctor. Your proctor will assist you with submitting your exam, viewing your results (if permitted by your instructor), and logging out of the Learning Management System. Once the proctor has verified your exam submission, you may log out.
Do not exit or submit the exam without notifying your proctor