UTAD account passwords expire every six months. Once a password expires, users are unable to log into Blackboard, MyUT, or UT email. When the password expires, it must be reset using the UTAD account management. You will need to know the answer to your security question to reset your password online. If you forget the answer to your security question, or are otherwise unable to reset your password online, you will need to contact the IT helpdesk at 419-530-2400 for assistance.
Access UTAD Account Management

To access the account management, go to the MyUT login page at myut.utoledo.edu and click on Account Maintenance at the top of the screen.
Resetting Your Password

On the next page, click on Forgot UTAD Username/Password or Password Reset (the middle box) to change your password.
Resetting Your Password, Part 2

On the next page, you will see a box on the left labeled Reset your Password. Click on the button labeled Click Here to proceed.
The box on the right outlines the current password requirements. The requirements are as follows:
- It must be between 8 and 15 characters in length.
- It must contain at least one of the following items: Uppercase letters (A-Z); Lowercase letters (a-z); Numbers (0-9); The following special characters: ! " $ % , ( ) * + - . / ; : = > ? [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~ Note: the following characters are not allowed: & # @ < blank or space
- It CANNOT be all numbers
It CANNOT be the same as the last 10 previous passwords - It cannot contain three or more repetitions of the same character
- It is case sensitive.
- It CANNOT contain your username, or your first, middle, or surname.
Log in to Reset Your Password

You will now see a screen labeled Get back into your account.
- Email or Username: Enter your UToledo email address in this field, in the format of ([email protected]; e.g. [email protected]).
- View the randomly generated characters, or click the audio button to hear an audio recording, and enter the characters you see or hear in the field provided.
- Click the Next button to proceed, or click Cancel to go back.
Verify your Account

You will now see a screen labeled Verification Step 2. On this screen, you will be asked to enter your mobile number to receive a verification text or phone call.
- On the left, select either the option Text my mobile phone or Call my mobile phone
- Enter the mobile phone number that is registered to your account.
- Click the Text or Call button.
Enter Verification Code

You will now be prompted to enter the verification code you received on your mobile phone.
- Enter your verification code in the field provided.
- Click the Next button.
- If you did not receive your code, or if your code expired, click Try again to retrieve another code.
Entering Your new Password

On the next screen, enter your new password in the provided field and then confirm the password in the second field. Then click Finish to set your new password.

You will now see confirmation that your password has been reset. You may need to confirm your account with the Microsoft Authenticator app.
Be sure to update any saved passwords on your devices or password managers.