This guide demonstrates how to ask and respond to questions.
Opening the Questions Window
To view or ask questions, click on the Questions button in the upper right hand corner of the video or presentation viewer.
Viewing the Questions Window

- To ask a question, click on the New Question button.
- Sort: Use the drop down menu to sort questions by Newest or Oldest.
- Search: Click on the Search button to search questions.
- To view responses to a question or respond to a question, click on the question you wish to view. New questions will be indicated with a red dot.
- To like a question, click on the Thumbs Up button. This button will show the number of individuals that have liked the question.
- The speech bubble icon will show the number of responses to that question.
- To bookmark a question, click on the Bookmark button.
- Exit: To close the Questions Window, click the X button in the upper right hand corner.
Asking a Question

After clicking the New Question button in the question window, you can ask a question by doing the following:
- Type your question in the dropbox on the top of the screen.
- To attach a file, click the Attachments button.
- Reference Class Content: Click on the slider to reference class content, and then select the section of the video or the slide you wish to reference.
- Post anonymously: Click on this slider to post your question anonymously. Note: While the question will appear anonymous to students, your name will appear to your instructor.
- Post Question: Click the Post Question button to post your question.
Viewing and Responding to a Question

- After clicking on a question, the question and all responses to that question will appear on screen.
- To like a response, click on the Thumbs Up button. This button will show the number of individuals who have liked the response. Responses liked by the instructor will be labeled Instructor Endorsed.
- Click the Respond to this Question button to type your response to the question.
- Click the Back button to return to the list of questions.
Responding to a Question

To respond to a question:
- Type your response in the field provided.
- To attach a file, click on the Attachments button.
- Click the slider button to post your response anonymously. Note: Anonymous responses are still visible to the instructor.
- Click the Post button to post your response.