Test Taking Tips
This guide outlines tips for taking online tests in Blackboard
Blackboard Test-Taking Tips
Some students have encountered technical problems when taking online tests in Blackboard. The best way to avoid these issues is to use the latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to take online tests in Blackboard. It is also advisable that students clear their browsing history and cache prior to testing. Please review the following carefully before taking online tests.
- Close all programs (browsers, Word etc.).
- Launch Chrome or Firefox and log onto your Blackboard course site.
- Access the test page.
- Click the test you want to take. Single click on the link only. Double clicking the link will open the link twice, which may cause the system to act like you have already taken the test.
- Read the instructions carefully.
- Click the Begin button.
- Select a correct answer (single click) or enter your answer for short answer and essay questions. You do NOT need to click “Save answer” for each question.
- Please verify that you have answered all questions prior to submitting your test.
- Click the Save and Submit button at the bottom of the page when finished.
Some tests require the use of LockDown Browser instead of a traditional browser like Chrome or Firefox. Please see the guide on LockDown Browser (LDB) and be sure to install the UToledo version of LDB; versions from a web search will not work.
Notes about test settings
- Force Completion: When force completion is enabled, you will not be able to exit and return to your test. If you encounter problems or you get kicked off, your instructor will need to clear your test attemptin which case you will need to retake the entire test. If force completion is not enabled, you can exit and reenter the test if you encounter technical problems.
- Timer: The Blackboard timer will run continuously from the time you start the test, and will run until the time you click Submit. The timer will run even if you exit the test or log out of Blackboard
- Auto Submit: After time expires, the test will automatically submit regardless of whether you are on the test page or not.
- Prohibit Backtracking: You will not be able to review or make changes once you move to the next question. Be sure you have chosen your answer prior to advancing. Do not double click on the next question button, as this may cause you to skip questions.
During the Test
- Do NOT try to navigate away from the test area of Blackboard or close the test window.
- Do NOT click any button on the Browser navigation menu (such as back, next, refresh etc.).
- Do NOT click the “Save answer” button for each question; you only need to click the “Save and Submit” button when you finish the test.
- Do NOT “double click” on anything in the exam.
- Click outside of the answer selection radio buttons before scrolling with the mouse wheel or arrow buttons on your keyboard. Otherwise, this will change the selected answer.
If Problems Occur
- Don’t touch your keyboard or click on anything, wait for a few minutes to see if the problem resolves by itself.
- If your test freezes, or you seem to no longer be able to advance or select answers, you will need to clear your cache and browsing history.
- Call the UToledo Online Help Desk at 419-530-8835 or 1-866-886-5336 and let us know the problem you encountered. Be prepared to let us know both the operating system (Windows or Mac OS and the version number/name) and the browser (Firefox, Edge, Safari, Chrome) you were using at the time the problem occurred. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be for us to help troubleshoot the problem.
- Contact your instructor about the problem you encountered.
- Capture a screenshot (if possible) and send it to [email protected] if you encounter a problem after our support hours. Make sure you include the course number and section number, name of the test, the platform you use (Mac or Windows and OS version), and the time you experienced the problem in the message.