Ally provides you detailed feedback and support to help you become an accessibility pro. Learn about accessibility issues, why they matter, and how to fix them. Green is the goal!
To access instructor feedback and guidance to fix file issues:
- Hover over the Accessibility score indicator. A message will pop up. Click on it to open the instructor feedback.
- Click What this means for guide explaining what the issue is and why it is important.
- Click the How to for step-by-step guides of how to fix each issue.
- Once you've remediated your file, upload it in the Ally Instructor Feedback window to automatically replace the previous version and see your new score.

Some files may contain more than one issue and include an additional option to click All issues in the Instructor Feedback window, which will outline each issue in the file and how fixing it will improve the score.

The next article links to common accessibility flags and help guides you can download for future reference.