Blackboard Learn

Introduction to Blackboard 

Blackboard Learn (Blackboard) is the primary Learning Management System (LMS) used for online, blended, and web-assisted courses at The University of Toledo.  Blackboard provides a convenient interface for uploading course content and modules, for collecting students' tests and assignments, for interacting with students using integrated synchronous and/or asynchronous communication tools, and for grading students' work and providing feedback.  

Getting Started with Blackboard 

Blackboard uses the same login credentials (UTAD) used by other UT resources. To access blackboard, click this link and log in using your UTAD credentials. Alternatively, you may also access blackboard through your UTAD account. The registered/assigned courses are visible to you in ‘My Institution’, the default landing page. You can get started with Blackboard by familiarizing yourself with the LMS environment, its navigation, uploading your profile picture, show/hide the course menu, student preview, and customizing the notification page.  

Refer to this link for the step-by-step guide on Getting Started with Blackboard. Upon access to the guide, you may navigate through the pages for related content. Blackboard Faculty Guides 

Adding Content 

Once you are familiar with the Blackboard environment, it is time to start building your course and its course material. Some essential tasks you will be looking for are how to add, move and delete content such as text, syllabus and schedule files, content/module folders, images, videos, embedding third-party content, and more.  

Refer to the respective link for the step-by-step guide on adding content in Blackboard. Upon access to the guide, you may navigate through the pages for related content:  

Customize Main Course Menu and Course News Page 
Adding Files 
Creating Content in Blackboard Videos 

Communication Tools 

Communication is an essential requirement for every form of teaching. Blackboard includes many tools that are helpful for an interactive environment where students can share ideas and discuss, and actively participate. Moreover, instructors will have the ability to monitor their participation and take control of their course and student success. A few of the prominent tools are Announcements, Discussion Boards, Messages and Emails, Blogs, Journals, Wikis, Collaborate Ultra, and more. 

Refer to the respective link for the step-by-step guide on the listed communication tools in Blackboard. Upon access to the guide, you may navigate through the pages for related content:  

Discussion Board 
Messages and Email 


While the Blackboard communication tools can be used as graded tasks, the Blackboard assessment tools are Assignment and Test. Assignment allows instructors to create a dropbox to upload question papers or supporting material and allow students to complete and write/upload the solutions. Test allows instructors to create tests with varying question types and customize its settings like time and submission criteria according to the assessment measures. Rubrics can also be created and linked to the assessment items.   

Refer to the respective link for the step-by-step guide on creating assessments in Blackboard. Upon access to the guide, you may navigate through the pages for related content:  

Creating Assignments 
Creating Tests and Surveys 
Creating Test Questions 
Creating Self and Peer Assessments 
Creating Interactive Rubrics 

Grade Center 

The Blackboard Grade Center resembles a spreadsheet that was designed to be used as a grade book. Each row represents a user in your course and each column includes information for assessment items such as an assignment, test, graded communication tools, or any graded item. You can also use columns to calculate grades--both letter and numeric. You can provide grades and comments directly on the Grade Center page, on the Grade Details page, and from a tool, such as the discussion board. You can customize your view of the Grade Center and create grading schemas, grading periods, categories, and columns to present and gather the information you need.  

Refer to the respective link below for the step-by-step guide on working with the Grade Center in Blackboard. Upon access to the guide, you may navigate through the pages for related content:  

Grade Center Navigation 
Setting Up Grade Columns 
Organizing the Grade Center 
General Grading Information 
Viewing Assignment Results 
Creating Recordings for Feedback 
Viewing Test Results 
Managing Grade Center Data 

Additional Blackboard Guides