Introduction to Blackboard Learn UCV Navigation

This guide will demonstrate how to navigate the Blackboard Learn Ultra environment.

Blackboard Learn Ultra Overview

image showing Blackboard landing page.

Once you have logged into Blackboard Learn Ultra, you will see a screen similar to the one above.

  1. Institution PageUse this option to access institutional help resources including screen steps guides, help desk, and more.
  2. Name: Your name will appear here. Click this menu item to modify personal settings.
  3. Activity Stream: Click this menu item to view recent activity in Blackboard.
  4. Courses: A list of courses you are currently enrolled in will be listed here. This is the default landing page every time you open Blackboard.
  5. Organizations: A list of organizations that you are enrolled in will be listed here.
  6. Calendar: Click this link to access the calendar in Blackboard.
  7. Messages: Use this link to read and respond to Blackboard in-course messages.
  8. Grades: Use this link to quickly access the grade book in any course or organization in which you are enrolled.
  9. Tools: Use this link to access Blackboard system tools integration (such as McGraw Hill or other 3rd party integrations). Course evaluations are also available here.
  10. Logout: Click this button to log out of Blackboard.