This article will cover how to create a meeting using Microsoft Teams.
This is for Blackboard Ultra Course View. To Enable a new Class for Microsoft Teams, see Enable Class for Microsoft Teams.

1. Select the drop down arrow.
2. Select Open Microsoft Teams meetings.

Select Sign in.
Select New meeting.
1. Provide a meeting Title.
2. Manually type in names to Add required attendees.
3. To add all students, select Add entire class.
4. Provide the date and times.
5. The option to repeat the meeting.
6. If the Team has Channels, this option to Add a channel.
7. Provide a Location.
8. Text box to Type the details of this new meeting.
9. Select Save.
The new meeting will show up on instructors and students Teams and Outlook Calendars. For more information on how to manage Teams, please visit IT's Microsoft Teams page.