This article will cover how to view student submissions to an assignment.
Viewing Student Submissions in Gradebooks Overview Tab
1. Select Gradebook tab.
2. Select Overview Tab.
3. Select Grade Now.
Note the Grade Now option in Overview tab will only become available if a student submits an assignment.
Submission View
1. Select the drop down arrow to change the grading status to all grading status or leave for just Needs Grading.
2. The purple box indicates on the first student listed.
3. Select the next student to view their submission.
4. Select the right and left arrows to move between students.
Viewing Student Submissions in Gradebooks Gradable Items Tab
1. Select the Gradebook tab.
2. Select the Gradeable Items tab.
3. Select the link for the Submission View.
Viewing Student Submissions in Gradebooks Grades Tab

1. Select the Gradebook tab.
2. Select the Grades tab.
3. Select the New Submission link.

Select View to enter Submissions View.
Viewing Student Submissions in Gradebooks Students Tab

1. Select the Gradebook tab.
2. Select the Students tab.
3. Select the students name.
Select the assignment link to enter Submission View.