Faculty Guides and Documentation

Logging into Blackboard

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The first step in using Blackboard is to log into your Blackboard account.  Blackboard can be accessed through three methods:

  1. Typing in the direct URL (blackboard.utdl.edu/ultra/course)
  2. Through the UToledo Online home page (www.utoledo.edu/dl)
  3. Logging in using the MyUT portal (myut.utoledo.edu)

1. Logging into Blackboard Using the Direct URL

To log in directly to Blackboard, open your web browser and type in https://blackboard.utdl.edu/.

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are recommended browsers.

1. Logging in Using the Direct URL
UT Single Sign on pageis displayed. Enter UTAD credentials.

After entering the site URL, you will be redirected to the UToledo Single Sign on page. Enter your UTAD username and password in the requisite spaces and you will be redirected to your Blackboard home page.

2. Logging into Blackboard through the UToledo Online Home Page

2. Through the UT Online Homepage

Launch your web browser and type the following in your browser's address bar: www.utoledo.edu/dl

Click the Blackboard Login link on the UToledo Online home page to access the Blackboard login screen.

UT Single Sign on pageis displayed. Enter UTAD credentials.

After entering the site URL, you will be redirected to the UToledo Single Sign on page. Enter your UTAD username and password in the requisite spaces and you will be redirected to your Blackboard home page.

3. Logging into Blackboard Using the MyUT Portal

3. Logging in Using the MyUT Portal
Image of the MyUT login page

To log into Blackboard using the MyUT portal, type in myut.utoledo.edu in your web browser's address bar. Click the login button. On the next screen, enter your UTAD username and password in the provided fields and click the Sign In button.

Selecting Blackboard from the dropdown menu in the Student tab of the MyUT login page and click Go.

Go to either the Student or Faculty & Advisor tab in MyUT and locate the box on the right half of the screen labeled UT Online, as shown above. Click the Blackboard link, and then you will be taken to the Blackboard home page.

If your students have never used Blackboard Learn before for their courses, you might want to share the UToledo Student Help Guides with them.

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