Instructors can see what needs graded in all the courses using the Grades on the left navigation panel or from the Gradebook tab in a course. Blackboard Original courses the grades would automatically update. With Blackboard Ultra's new Gradebook feature, instructors will submit and post grades. Instructors will no longer need to hide the grade column, the grade will be hidden from students until the instructor post the grades.
Assignments and Tests have an option to post automatically, for more information, view Change Grade Posting Setting for Assignments and Tests.
Once you post a grade, it cannot be unposted. For more information, view Submit and Post Grades.
This is for Ultra Course View, go to Original Course View.
Grades on the Left Navigation Panel
Select Grades on the left navigation panel for a direct link to grading.
1. Select the name of the course to link directly into the course.
2. Select the content to link directly to the assignment, exam, quiz, discussion, or any other content.
Gradebook Tab in a Course
After logging into Blackboard, the first tab will open the Courses menu. Select the link to enter directly into the course.

Select Gradebook to grade coursework, manage items and settings, and post grades.
Update from Original Course View to Ultra Course View:
- To calculate overall grade, view Create Calculated Column for a Point Based Total
- Needs Grading View is discontinued, to see what needs to be graded, view Needs Grading in Activity Stream or Gradebook