Blackboard supports importing test questions from tab separated text files. Tab separated files can be authored in excel or other spreadsheet programs that can save files as .txt files. Additional information on importing questions can be found on Blackboard's site, as well as a link to a sample file.
Formatting Files for Import
The following examples will show how to format questions for import as a tab delimited text file. Below is an image showing a sample file for importing questions. The spreadsheet does not require a header row. The first question will go in Row 1. In Excel or other spreadsheet programs, save the completed file as a .txt file (tab delimited text)

- Each row in the spreadsheet is one question.
- The first column (1) is a code indicating the question type for the question. The codes are as follows:
- MC = Multiple Choice
- MA = Multiple Answer
- TF = True/False
- ESS = Essay
- MAT = Matching
- FIB = Fill in the Blank
- FIB_Plus = Fill in multiple blanks
- NUM = Numeric
- The second column (2) shows the question text.
- Starting with the third column is where the answer choices are entered. Please refer to the items below for specific directions for formatting individual question types.
The examples below show how the items are entered into the spreadsheet. The header rows are provided for illustrative purposes only.
Multiple Choice
A multiple choice question is formatted according to the table below:
Question code | Question text | Answer 1 | Correct/incorrect | Answer 2 | Correct/incorrect | Answer 3 | Correct/incorrect |
MC | Which ocean is the warmest? | Atlantic | correct | Pacific | incorrect | Artic | Incorrect |
- In the first column, enter the question code MC.
- In the second column, enter the question text.
- Starting with the third column, enter the first answer choice, and place whether the answer choice is correct or incorrect in the fourth column. Repeat this pattern for each additional answer choice. Up to 100 answer choices can be entered.
Multiple Answer
A Multiple Answer question allows for more than one correct answer choice to be selected by students. Multiple answer questions are formatted similarly to multiple choice questions.
Question code | Question text | Answer 1 | Correct/incorrect | Answer 2 | Correct/incorrect | Answer 3 | Correct/incorrect |
MA | Choose all of the examples or types of carbohydrates |
Galactose | correct | Fructose | Correct | Melanin | Incorrect |
- In the first column, enter the question code MA.
- In the second column, enter the question text.
- Starting with the third column, enter the first answer choice, and place whether the answer choice is correct or incorrect in the fourth column. Repeat this pattern for each additional answer choice. Up to 100 answer choices can be entered.
A True/False question requires students to indicate whether or not a statement is true or false. True/False questions can be formatted as follows:
Question Code | Question Text | True/False |
TF | Earth is the third planet in the solar system | TRUE |
TF | Blaise Pascal was a 20th century sociologist who argued for the importance of identifying scientific laws that govern human behavior. |
- In the first column, enter the question code TF.
- In the second column, enter the question text.
- In the third column, indicate whether the answer is TRUE or FALSE.
An Essay question requires students to provide a written response to a question.
Question Code | Question Text | Answer Text |
ESS | Give a few examples where you can help preserve marine ecosystems. |
[Enter sample answer text] |
- In the first column, enter the question code ESS.
- In the second column, enter the question text.
- In the third column, enter the sample answer text within square brackets [ ].
Matching questions require students to match terms and definitions.
Question Code | Question Text | Answer text | Matching text | Answer text | Matching text | Answer text | Matching text |
MAT | Match the following animals to their native continent |
Bullfrog | North America | Panda | Asia | Llama | South America |
In the first column, enter the question code MAT
In the second column, enter the question text.
Starting with the third column, enter the first answer, and enter the first matching text in the fourth column. Enter each additional matching pair in subsequent columns. Up to 100 matching pairs can be entered.
Fill in the Blank
Fill in the blank questions require students to provide a short written response to a question.
Question Code | Question Text | Answer Text |
FIB | ___ is the silicate mineral with the lowest melting temperature and the greatest resistance to weathering. | Quartz |
- In the first column, enter the question code FIB
- In the second column, enter the answer text.
- In the third column, enter the answer text. Additional answer forms can be entered in subsequent columns.
Fill in Multiple Blanks
Fill in multiple blanks questions require students to provide multiple missing answers. Up to ten blanks can be entered.
Question Code | Question Text | Variable 1 | Variable 1 answer 1 | [blank] | Variable 2 | Variable 2 answer 1 | Variable 2 answer 2 |
FIB_PLUS | Four [a] and [b] years ago is the beginning of the Gettysburg Address |
a | Score | b | Seven | 7 |
- In the first column, enter the question code FIB_PLUS.
- In the second column, enter the question text. Each blank will be designated by a letter in brackets, e.g. [a], [b], [c]. A maximum of ten variables are supported.
- In the third column, enter the first variable letter
- Starting with the fourth column, enter the first answer for the first variable. Additional acceptable answers will go in their own cells.
- Leave a blank cell before entering the second variable.
- The second variable will be entered in the following cell after the blank cell.
- Enter the second answer in the next cell after the second variable. Repeat this format for each additional variable.
Numeric responses require students to provide an answer in the form of a numeric value.
Question Code | Question Text | Answer | Tolerance |
NUM | Approximately, how many species of birds are there? |
10000 | 1000 |
- In the first column, enter the question code NUM.
- In the second column, enter your question text.
- In the third column, enter the answer in numeric form.
- In the fourth column, enter the tolerance value for the answer (optional). If no tolerance value is specified, then only exact answers are accepted for credit.
Uploading Question Text Files
Once you have completed your text file, save the file as a .txt file (tab delimited text). You can now upload the text file into your test and Blackboard will add the questions to the test. Improperly formatted items will not be imported.

To upload questions from a text file:
- In the test canvas, hover on the divider and click on the purple plus sign at the location where you would like to add the questions.
- Select Upload questions from file from the menu.

Your device's Open file dialog box will open on screen. Select the file you wish to upload and click Open.

Once you have uploaded the file, all compatible questions are added to the test, and you will see a green banner reading N questions uploaded successfully to the assessment.