This article will cover grading discussion boards, adding feedback, and posting grades.
This is for Ultra Course View, go to Original Course View.
Accessing the Gradebook
1. Select Grades on the left navigation panel.
2. Select the course link to enter the course and access the Gradebook.
Accessing the Gradebook Using the Course Link

Select the Gradebook link.
Viewing the Gradebook
1. Switch from list view to grid view.
2. Search using the submission receipt number.
3. Upload Gradebook.
4. Download Gradebook.
5. Settings for Grade Schema, Student Performance, Course Activity, Overall Grade, Grade Categories, and Course Rubrics.
6. View Gradable Items tab.
7. View Students tab.
Select the Discussion Board link.
1. Arrow back to the Discussion Topic
2. Show how many students participated in the discussion post
3. Show how many students needs to be graded.
4. Show how many grades need to be posted.
5. Search students by name.
6. Select Student Status drop down arrow for all students, no entry, or entry made.
7. Select Grading Status drop down arrow for all grading statuses, needs grading, needs posting, nothing to grade, or completed.
8. Select up to 100 items per page.
Type in the blank space for grading
Select Post to post the grade when ready
Students will not see their grade on their Gradebook until the grade is Posted.
Add Feedback to Discussion Board Grades
Select anywhere on the row of the student to enter the students discussion board information and add feedback.
1. Select the back arrow to move to the previous student
2. Select the forward arrow to move to the next student.
3. View the students Activity for responses and replies.
4. Enter the grade.
5. Select the plus sign in a box to open the feedback response box.
6. Select the 3 dots to edit feedback or hide discussion analysis.
7. View the student's discussion response.

Type Feedback for student in the text box, select Save.
Students will see instructors feedback when the grade is posted.
Accessing the Gradebook Using Grades on Left Navigation Pane
Select Grades.
Select the Discussion Board link.
To view the Gradebook, set grade, add feedback, and post grades select Viewing the Gradebook.