Faculty Guides and Documentation

Creating an Ultra Document

Updated on

This guide will describe how to create a document in Blackboard Learn Ultra. A document can be as simple as a single line of text or a combination of content.

This information is for Blackboard Ultra Course View, go to Original Course View.

Creating a Document, Part 1

Image of plus sign

Within the area you wish to create content:

  1. Hover over the line between content items and click on the + icon
  2. Select Create From the menu.

Creating a Document, Part 2

Image of document

From the menu that opens on the right, select Document to create a content item.

Creating a Document, Part 3

Image of options

You will now see a screen where you can author your course document

  1. At the top left, enter a name for the document
  2. Settings for Hidden from Students, Visible to Students, or Release Conditions
  3. Selecting a type of content to add, see Different types of Content to Add.

Different Types of Content to Add

Image of content option

Selecting Content will open a text box to manually type instructions.

Image of text box

The text box opens up a tool bar to modify text.

Image of html option

Select HTML to add a web page link.

Image of knowledge check option

Knowledge checks test student comprehension of a document by asking a  multiple choice or multiple answer question.

Image of knowledge check

1. Type in question in text box.

2. Type in answer and select the correct answer.

3. Instructor can change correct and incorrect answer feedback.

4. Select Save.

  • Feedback: instructors can pre-populate correct and incorrect answer feedback
  • Student interaction: Students receive immediate feedback on whether their answer is correct or incorrect. Knowledge checks allow unlimited attempts.
  • Metrics: instructors have access to detailed metrics about how students are engaging with the knowledge check.
Image of file upload

Select File upload to add a file from the computer.

Instructors can also drag and drop files right into the document to upload.

Image of content collection option

Select Content Collection to to browse all course's content.

Image of converting a file option

Select Convert a file to browse for files on the computer. Once selected, the system converts the file into the Document format.

Using AI Assistant to Generate Images.

Image of content

Select Content.

Image of image icon

Select the Image icon.

Image of image source

1. Select the arrow for Image Source to expand options.

2. Select Generate images.

Image of text box

Add a description for best results.

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