This article will cover how to use Blackboards AI Design Assistant to create auto-generated test banks from an Ultra Document.
This is for Ultra Course View only.
Once a Blackboard Ultra Document has been created, select the Auto-generate question bank.
Blackboard will aut-generate questions according to the text in the Ultra Document. Use the checkboxes to select 1 or more questions.
1. Select a question type, inspire me will use all question types or choose essay, fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice, or true/false.
2. Use the slider to select the level of complexity.
3. Use the slider to select number of questions from 1 - 10.
4. To regenerate a new list of questions, select Generate.
After using the checkboxes to select questions,
5. Select Add to Question Bank.

Blackboard will add questions to the question bank and provide a link, select Go To Bank to access all test banks.
Once questions banks are created, Instructors can also manage Blackboard Ultra Test Banks.