This guide will demonstrate how to add banner images to Learn Ultra Courses. Users can also add a Course Card image which will show in the course list when it is set to Card view.
Adding a Course Banner

In your Ultra course, go to the Details and Actions panel on the right. Locate the heading labeled Course Image and click on the Edit Display Settings link.
Uploading a Course Banner

You will see a sidebar labeled Display Settings pop up on the right side of the screen. Click on the Upload Image button in the upper right hand corner to upload an image.
Blackboard Learn Ultra allows instructors to upload their own images or search stock images on Unsplash.
Uploading a Course Image

A dialog box entitled Insert Image will appear on screen.
- Image source: Select Upload from device from the drop down menu.
- Click on the Upload file button or drag a supported file into the dashed area. Supported files are JPEG and PNG files with a maximum file size of 2,560 MB.

The selected image file will now appear on screen. Click the Next button in the bottom right corner to continue.

Next, click and drag or use the arrow keys to position the image in the rectangle. Portions of the image in the gray area will be cropped out. The slider below the image can be used to zoom in or out in the image. When finished, click the Save button.
Finishing Up

You will now return to the Display Settings side panel. You will see your selected image at the top of the page.
- Alternative text: Enter a description of the image to describe the image contents for those using assistive technologies.
- Mark the image as decorative: If the image is purely decorative, check this option to hide the image from screen readers.
- When finished, click the Save button to save the image as the course image.