Faculty Guides and Documentation

Creating a Learning Module

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This guide will demonstrate how to create a Learning Module in Blackboard Learn Ultra

This information is for Blackboard Ultra Course View, go to Original Course View.

Ultra Courses only allows the creation of a Learning Module at the root folder. Once a Learning Module is created, the module allows for creations of uploading

Creating a Learning Module, Part 1

Image showing how to access the create menu.

Within the area you wish to create content:

  1. Hover over the line between content itens and click on the + icon
  2. Select Create From the menu.

Creating a Learning Module, Part 2

image showing the create item menu with the Learning Module option highlighted.

From the menu that opens on the right, select Learning Module.

Entering Learning Module Information

image showing learning module information
  1. At the top, enter a name for the learning module.
  2. Use the dropdown menu to change the visibility settings for the learning module
  3. Description: Type a description for the learning module here.
  4. Image: Click on Add Image to add an image to the Learning module.
  5. Advance in Sequence: Check this checkbox to require students to advance through the module in order.
  6. When finished, click Save to create the module.
Adding an Image

The suggest image size is 500×500 pixels. Images can only be added to a Learning Module tool.

adding an image file

You will see a dialog box labeled Insert Image. Drag an image file into the area labeled Drag Files Here or click the Upload File button.

image file preview

You will now see a preview of the selected image file. Click the Next button in the bottom right corner to continue.

image adjustment
  1. Click and drag or use the arrow keys to reposition the image within the grid.
  2. Use the magnification slider to zoom in or out in the selected image.
  3. Click the Save button in the bottom right hand corner to set the selected image as the module banner image.
Added image with alt text field and decorative image checkbox

The selected image will now appear in the Module information panel. Users can enter an alternative text description of the image or they can use the checkmark to mark the image as decorative.

Adding Stock images from Unsplash

While inserting an image select Stock images from Unsplash.

Type in the Search text box to narrow down specific images.

Using Blackboard AI to generate Images

While inserting an image select Generate images.

Type in the describe an image text box to narrow down specific images.

Adding Content to a Learning Module

image showing how to add content to a learning module

To add content within the learning module:

  1. Click on the module name to expand the learning module content .
  2. click on the + icon below the module header.
  3. Select the type of content you wish to add from the menu on screen.

Creating Learning Modules Video

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