This article will review how to use the Batch Edit function in Ultra for date management, item visibility settings, and content deletion.
This tool is helpful after a course copy to update dates and item visibility for the next semester. It can also be used to clean up duplicate items.
To access the Batch Edit tool
1. Click the 3 dot ellipsis above the Course Content (next to the search function)
2. Select Batch Edit from the drop down
1. The list for Batch Edit will display in course deployment order by default. It can be sorted for due dates, display dates, or visibility settings by using the arrow icon next to each column heading (optional).
2. You may select all items (suggested for date management) or individual items using the check boxes next to each item.
3. Once your items are selected, you can select to Edit dates, Edit Visibility, or Delete items using the buttons at the bottom right of the list.
You may want to expand modules and folders to see individual items by expanding the associated chevron to the far right side of the entry.
Edit Dates

To edit dates, including assessment due dates and show/hide dates previously set for content, enter the course's start date. Alternatively, you can also change dates by number of days. Click Edit Dates after entry to save and reset course dates.
Edit visibility

The visibility setting allows you to set all selected items to either be hidden or visible to students. Click Save Visibility after making the radio button selection to reset visibility on all items selected.

When you select items to delete, Blackboard will always prompt you a second time and require an additional click before the action is complete.
Delete with care! Deletion is permanent and cannot be undone. This includes deletion of assessments and any submitted work.