Faculty Guides and Documentation

Accessing Support Resources in a Collaborate Session

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This guide will show how to access Blackboard's support resources during a Collaborate Session.

Accessing the Collaborate Panel

Image of the Blackboard Collaborate interface with an arrow pointing to the Collaborate Panel button.

To change the Audio and Video settings in Collaborate, you will need to open the Collaborate Panel. To open the Collaborate Panel, click on the purple button in the bottom right corner.

Accessing the Session Support

Image of the Collaborate Panel with the following items: 1.Click on the gear icon to open the My Settings tab in the Collaborate Panel.2.Click on Audio and Video Settings to expand this section if it is not already expanded.

To access session support:

  1. Click on the gear icon to open the My Settings tab in the Collaborate Panel.
  2. Click on Report an Issue to send an issue report to Blackboard
  3. Click on Chat Support to chat with Blackboard's chat bot

Reporting an Issue

You will now see the Issue Report form. To submit your report, fill in the following details:

  1. Audio Problems: Use the checkboxes to indicate if you have had any audio problems during the session
  2. Video Problems: Use the checkboxes to indicate if you have had any video problems during the session
  3. Describe your issue: Enter a short description of the issue in the field provided.
  4. When finished, click Submit to submit the issue report to Blackboard.

Chatting with Support

After clicking on the Chat Support link above, a chat window will pop up. You will be able to chat with Blackboard's chat bot for assistance during the session. Choose from one of the options in the list or type your message in the field provided to start a chat.

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