This article will cover using Group Sets from an instructors Blackboard course and using those group sets during a Class Collaborate session breakout groups.
To learn more about groups, please visit Blackboard Group Sets.
Once the instructor and all students are in the Collaborate session select the box with the arrow for breakout groups.
Select breakout groups.

Select the drop down arrow next to Randomly assign to choose Course Group Sets

1. Course group set is selected will automatically put students into the perspective groups assigned from the course.
2. Collaborate will sync up with the course putting the Course name in.
3. The title of the Group Sets will appear.
4. The instructor will remain in the main room
5. Instructor can view the students listed in their perspetive groups assigned from the course.
6. Select Start.
When selecting group sets, Collaborate will show that it is authorizing with the LMS. A pop up window will show up and be removed on it's own, then instructors will see students in the perspective groups.

1. Breakout groups have been started and will show which room the instructor is in.
2. Instructors (Moderators) can Pause or End the breakout group session.
3. The Main Room will list who is in the main room.
4. The Group Sets will show which students are in which room, the instructor (Moderator) can select the box with the arrow to enter a room.
For more information on monitoring breakout groups room please visit Monitoring Breakout Groups.

To bring everyone back to the main room, select End.