The user interface for Class Collaborate Ultra interface will look somewhat different depending upon whether you enter a session as either a Moderator or a Participant. These guides will help you explore the Collaborate Ultra interface from a Moderator's point of view. Here's a short video overview of the interface:
Entering a Session

To enter a Collaborate Ultra Session, simply click on the name (link) for an active session. If you created the session, if you are the instructor who created the session, then you will automatically enter the session as a Moderator.

A panel will open up on the right with the session information. Click the Join Session link to join the session.
Moderator Interface Main Screen
Starting with the icons at the top of the page, from left to right:
- Open Session Menu: Click on this button to start recording, switch between telephony and computer audio, report an issue to Blackboard, access Blackboard Collaborate Help and tutorials, and to leave the session.
- Content Display: Video, whiteboards, and shared files will appear here.
- My Settings: Clicking this icon will bring up the My Setting pop-over window which allows you to add a photo, set up and change your audio and video settings, generate a phone number for telephone audio, change your notification settings, and change your session settings. Clicking on the check icon will allow you to change your status or send feedback to the room.
- Share Audio: Clicking this icon will toggle your microphone off and on.
- Share Video: Clicking this icon will toggle your video off and on.
- Raise Hand: Clicking this icon will alternately "raise" or "lower" your hand, a raised hand. Just as in a face-to-face classroom, you can use this to indicate that you have a question or want to answer a question.
- Session Insights: Click the Session Insights button to open the Session Insights Panel
- Collaborate Panel: Clicking this icon opens the Collaborate Panel, where you can access the Chat, Participant List, Share Content, and My Settings menus.
- Recording Prompt: When opening the session, a notification will appear asking if you want to record the session. If you want to record, click the Record link. If you do not want to record the session, click the X in the upper right hand corner to dismiss the message.
Now that we've looked at the function of each of the interface icons, let's examine how use some of them in more detail.
Session Menu

Here is a description of the options available in the Session Menu. These options will be covered in more detail in individual guides.
- Close: Click the X button to close the menu and return to the session.
- Start Recording: Click this option to start session recording.
- Use your phone for audio: Click this option to switch audio modes.
- Report an Issue: Click this option to submit a report to Blackboard if you encounter problems during the session.
- Tell me about Collaborate: Click this option to view a short tutorial on the Blackboard Collaborate interface.
- Class Collaborate Help: Click this link to access Class Technologies's help resources.
- Privacy Policy: Click this link to view Blackboard's privacy policy.
- Leave Session: Click this option to exit the session. You can reenter the session as long as the session is live.
Session Insights Panel

The Session Insights Panel provides a quick reference to the number of raised hands and chat interactions in the current session.
Collaborate Panel

The Collaborate Panel allows you to manage the session interactivity:
- Chat: Click the Chat button to open the Chat window.
- Participants List: Click this button to view the Participants List.
- Share Content: Click this button to share content with participants.
- My Settings: Click this button to change your session settings.
- Close: Click the X button to close the Collaborate Panel.
If you are using Class Collaborate Ultra in your courses, you might want to share the following link with your students, as it provides detailed navigation guides on how to access Collaborate Ultra, participate and troubleshoot common issues.