This guide will demonstrate how to create a Collection in Echo360
Accessing Echo360 Collections

- Click on Collections at the top of the page in Echo360 to access the Groups page.
- Click on the + Collection button to create a new group.
Setting up the Collection Information

- Collection Title: Enter a title for the collection here
- Collection Description: Enter a description for the group here.
- Click the Save button to save the group information.
If you are wishing to add users to the group, continue with the following steps before clicking Save. Users can also be added to the group later.
Selecting Collection Members

- To managage collection membership, click the Membership option.
- + Member: Click on this button to add users to the collection
- On the screen that pops up, enter the user's name or email address
- Use the dropdown menu to select their access level. Selecting "custom" allows users to choose which permissions to assign
- Click Share to add the user. You will be taken back to the main screen.
- Individuals: A list of individuals that are members of the collection are shown here
- Auto Enroll Members: Click on the slider to activate the section link, which allows users to enroll themselves in the collection.
Managing Collection Members

- Permissions: Click on the Edit (pencil) button to change the user's permissions
- Delete: Click the trash can button to remove users from the collection.