This guide demonstrates how to upload a profile picture to Echo360 and to enter your phone number to text responses.
Accessing your Account Settings
- In the upper right hand corner of the screen, click on the Gear icon.
- Select Account Settings from the menu.
Changing your Profile Picture
- On the User Information tab, locate the item labeled Picture.
- Click the Add Image button to upload a new profile picture.
- Click the Edit button to edit your current profile picture.
- Click the Delete button to remove your current profile picture.
Uploading a File

You will now see the file selection dialog box.
- Select the file source on the left (My Device, Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, One Drive for Business, and Box).
- Click on Select File or drag and drop or copy and paste files into this area.

You will now see your selected image on screen. On the left, you will have access to the following editing tools.
- Crop tool: Use this option to crop your uploaded image.
- Circle tool: The profile picture will appear in a circular flame. Use the Circle Tool to adjust the position of the circular frame.
- Rotate tool: Click the Rotate button to rotate your uploaded image.
- Once you have edited your image to your satisfaction, click the Save button.

After saving your edits, you will now see your image on screen. Click the Upload button in the bottom right corner to upload your image.

You will now see your uploaded image on screen on the User Information page.