This guide will demonstrate how to add a link to your Echo360 Section in your Blackboard course.
Adding the Echo360 Tool Link

Navigate to the content area you wish to add a link to your Echo360 section so you and your students can access the Echo360 platform. Click on Tools at the top of the page and select Echo360 from the menu.
Setting up the Echo360 Link Information
You will now see a screen labeled Create Echo360. Under the section labeled Information, you will be asked to enter the following:
- Name: Enter a name for the link here.
- Description: Enter a description for the link in textbox provided.
- Attach File: Click Browse Local Files or Browse Course Files to attach files.
About Grading Options
The step below explains how to turn on grading for the link to Echo360 for capturing grade data from interactive activity slides. The purpose of this feature is to enable faculty to push grade data from interactive activity slides to Blackboard's Grade Center. Grades are not captured for individual video views. If you do not wish to enable grading, skip this step and proceed to the Availability Options step.
Grading Options

The Grading section allows you to create a column in the Grade Center to push grade data from Echo to. If you link to the Echo360 section home and select this option, a single column will be created that will reflect the total for all activities. If you link to a classroom session, only grade data from that session will be pushed to the Grade Center. More details on linking content can be found in Connecting Your Blackboard Course to Your Echo360 Account.
- Enable Evaluation: Select Yes to enable grading for Echo content.
- Points Possible: Enter the total number of points possible here.
- Visible to Students: Select Yes to make the item visible to students in My Grades
- Due Date: Use the time and date selectors to select a due date for the item.
Availability Options

The Options section allows you to modify the item's availability to students. (Note: This option only allows you to change the availability of the entire Echo360 link from students. If you are interested in changing the availability of only certain videos in the system, please follow the instructions in the Changing the Availability of Content in a Course guide.)
- Permit Users to View this Content: Select Yes to make the item available to students.
- Track Number of Views: Select Yes to enable Statistics Tracking for this item to record how many times students access the link.
- Select Date and Time Restrictions: Use the date selectors to select the beginning and ending date for the content availability.
- When finished, click the Submit button.
Accessing Echo360 from Blackboard

To access Echo360 from Blackboard and to link your Echo360 content to Blackboard, click on the link you have just created using the instructions above. You can then link to either the Section Home in Echo360, where users would be able to access all available Echo360 videos and interactive presentations from one link, or you can link to individual class sessions, where students would be taken directly to the video or presentation you wish for your students to view.