This guide will demonstrate how to view video and presentation content within EchoVideo Classroom Sections
Accessing your Course List

To access your course list:
- Click on the Courses link on the top of the screen.
- Select the course from the list you wish to work with.
Entering a Classroom

You will now see all available class sessions or classrooms within the selected course. To enter a classroom, click on the name of the class section you wish to enter.
Using the Video Player
The image above shows the EchoVideo Player:
- Media Information: The video or presentation title will appear at the top. Click the Back button to go back to the course list or the previous screen.
- Player Controls: The player controls can be accessed at the bottom of the page.
- Side Panel: The side panel allows users to view the video transcripts or access notes
Player Controls

At the bottom of the player is the player controls: The items in the player controls from left to right are as follows:
- Play/Pause: Click on the Play/Pause button to start and stop the video
- Rewind: Click the Rewind button to go back
- Fast Forward: Click the Fast Forward button to move forward.
- Volume: Click on the Volume button to open the volume slider or to mute the audio.
- Elapsed time: The current elapsed time in the video is shown here. Users can click anywhere on the pink line to go to a specific point in the video.
- Layout: Use the layout to change the layout when multiple videos or presentations are displayed.
- Transcripts: Click the Transcript button to display the video transcript in the side panel.
- Closed Captions [CC]: Click on the Closed Captions to display captions/subtitles for the video. Note: This button will not appear if captions are not available.
- Playback Speed: The current playback speed will be shown here. Click on this button to select a different playback speed.
- Settings: Click on the Settings button for additional playback settings.
- Fullscreen: Click on the fullscreen button to enter the fullscreen player. Click the [Esc] key or click on the button again in fullscreen to exit fullscreen.
- Side Panel: Click on the Side Panel button to open and close the side panel to access the video discussion and transcripts.
Side Panel

The side panel allows users to toggle between the class discussion and the transcript view.
- Discussions: Click on the Discussions button to access the discussion panel.
- Transcripts: Click the Transcript button to view the video transcript.
Settings Menu

The Settings menu allow users to customize the following items:
- Quality: This option allows users to change the video quality.
- Subtitles/CC: This option allows users to change the location and size of video captions (when available)
- Shortcut Keys: Select this option to view shortcut keys for the video player.
- Sources: This option allows users to change which video sources appear on screen.
Navigating a Presentation
Below is an overview of how to navigate a presentation in Echo360: Note: The video will play as a thumbnail while viewing the presentation.
- Use the arrows on the slide edges. navigate between the slides. Users must manually advance the slides when viewing the presentation live.
- To jump to a slide, click on the slide number to bring up the slide selector.
- To hide the current slide from students, click Hide.
- Click on the button in the upper right corner to view the slideshow in full screen.
Conducting an Interactive Activity

This step will show how to conduct an interactive activity:
- For multiple choice, short answer, and numerical responses, students can text their answer using the number provided.
- Submissions: The number of students who have submitted a response will appear here.
- Close Activity: Click on the Hand button to close the activity and students cannot send additional responses.
- Show Results: Click on the Graph button to display the activity results
- Show Solution: Click this button to reveal the solution to students.
- Reset Activity: Click this button to clear all responses.