This guide will demonstrate how to set up automatic grade synchronization between your Blackboard course and EchoVideo Content
Accessing the Content Market
EchoVideo course analytics can be accessed through the Content Market in your Blackboard Learn Ultra course.

To access the Content Market, hover over any dividing line between content items in your Learn Ultra course and click on the purple + icon that appears as shown in the image above.

Select Content Market from the menu that appears on screen.

Select the Echo360 Course Analytics tile from the menu.
Viewing Echo360 Course Analytics

You will now see the Echo360 Course Analytics screen. On this screen, click on the Gradebook option in the menu on the left.
Setting up Gradebook Metrics
In order to sync items to the Gradebook, instructors must set up at least one metric to use for syncing data to the Gradebook.

To set up a Grade Metric, click on the Add Metric button as shown in the image above.
Metric Details

You will now see the Add Metric screen. The first step to creating a new metric is to enter a name for the metric and set up the synchronization schedule.
- Metric Name: Enter a name for the metric here. (Note: Name must be unique.)
- Sync Schedule: Select the frequency for which you would like to have grades sync (Once, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly).
- Date Range: Use the beginning and ending date selectors to specify the beginning and ending time periods to sync.
Selecting Content to Sync

On the next screen, you will be asked to select which content to sync. Use the dropdown menu to select which content to sync:
- Current Content: All currently uploaded content will be synced but any new content will not be synced.
- Current and Future Content: All currently uploaded content and any content uploaded in the future will be synced.
- Specific Content: Select which content you wish to sync from the choices that apper
Selecting Specific Content

All content that is able to be synced will appear on screen. To select content to sync, check the checkbox to the left of the item name and then click the Next button to continue.
Gradebook options for Syncing Content

On the last screen, you will be presented with options for how synced data will appear in the gradebook. All data can either be averaged into a single column, or one column can be created for each media item.
- All selected media syncs into one column: Select this option to sync all activities into a single grade column. You will then be asked to provide a name for the column.
- 1 column is created for each selected media: Select this option to create a column for each media element. You will be allowed to choose to name the columns by the media name only, or by the date and the media name.
- Calculation (based on): Use this dropdown menu to select which metric you wish to calculate grades on. The options are Percent Viewed, Correct Response Rate, and Total Response Rate.
Finishing Up

You will now see the completed metric on screen. You will also be able to see the sync history, and you can click the Sync Now button to manually sync data.