If you wish to link to individual Echo videos or "classes" in your Blackboard course, you will first need to click on the link to the home section inside your Blackboard course for the current term. Once you have done that, you can create subsequent Echo links that point to an individual classroom session. This guide will demonstrate how to link to an individual video or presentation (classroom) within an existing Echo360 section.
These instructions are for Blackboard Learn Original
Creating Individual Echo360 Links in Blackboard
To create a link to an individual video, go to the Blackboard content area for Echo and create a new Echo360 link by choosing 1) Tools, then 2) Echo360.

You will now be presented with a screen labeled Create Echo360.
- Name: Enter the name of the link in this field.
- Description: Enter a description of the content link.
- Attachments: Click on either Browse Local Files or Browse Course Files to attach a file.
- Grading: If you wish to capture Analytics from EchoVideo to push data to the Grade Center in Blackboard, select Yes for Enable Evaluation. This then allows you to enter total points possible, the grade column visibility to students, and the due date.
- Options: Use the options here to determine how to display the link to students in the course.
- When finished, click the Submit button to create the link.
Setting up the Echo360 Classroom Link

Now that you have created the link, click on it to begin linking your EchoVideo Section Content.
Linking an Echo360 Section with Blackboard

You will then be prompted to assign a new term for the section link.
When creating subsequent Echo links, it will continue to prompt you to create a new section and to select a term. Continue to choose the current semester for each subsequent Echo link.

You will now see a screen with the Echo360 logo and a message reading "Connect your Echo360 content."
- Choose the option labeled Link to Existing Section Content.
- Select the section you would like to link to from the dropdown menu.
- Search Content: Use the search field to search for content within the selected section.
- To link to an individual classroom session, click on the session you want to link to.
- After you have selected to link to an individual classroom session, click the Continue button..
Do not see your courses? Only courses associated with the current term in Echo360 will be available to be selected. If you have content in a previously created course you would like to reuse, you would need to clone the section into the current semester, select the current course, and enter a new name for the Section. Be sure to first click the Echo link in your current Blackboard course to auto provision your course for the semester before cloning or sending a cloning request to UToledo Online Support.
Seeing a blank screen or the screen is stuck on "Launching LTI Tool Link?". Your browser may have its popup blocker turned on. You will need to set an exception in your browser's popup blocker for blackboard.utdl.edu. For more information, please click on the link that corresponds with the browser you are using: