Adding Polls to a Presentation

This guide will demonstrate how to add Polls to a presentation.

Instructors can add the following Polls to their presentation:

  1. Multiple Choice: Students can respond by choosing a response choice.
  2. Short Answer: Students can respond by typing a response.
  3. Image Quiz: Students are shown an image and are asked to locate a specific element on the image (Note: This activity may not be accessible to all learners).
  4. Ordering: Students can drag a list of items into the proper order (Note: This poll may not be accessible to all learners).
  5. Numerical: Students are asked to provide a numerical response to an equation.


Adding Polls

Image of the Add Activity menu with the following items: 1.Click the Add Activity button.2.Click on the type of activity you wish to add.

To add interactive Polls:

  1. Click the Add Activity button.
  2. Click on the type of activity you wish to add.

For more details on how to create each activity type, please read the guide on Adding Interactive Elements to a Presentation.


Adding a Multiple Choice Poll

Image of the Create a Multiple Choice activity showing the following steps: 1.Question: Type the question you wish to ask here.2.Embed Media: Check the checkbox if you wish to embed media into the question.3.Enter URL: Select this option to embed media from a website. Copy and paste the URL of the media you wish to embed in the space provided4.Upload an Image: Select this option to upload an image from your computer by clicking the Choose File button.5.All correct answers must be selected in order to be correct: Check this box to only grade items where students have selected all correct answers as correct.6.Answers: Enter the answer text in the space provided, and click the Correct button on the right to mark an answer as correct. Click the Delete (X) button to remove an answer choice.7.Click the Add Answer button to add additional answer choices8.Require Justification: Check this checkbox to require students to justify their answer choice using a free response form.9.Click the Preview button to see a preview of how the activity would appear to students.10.When finished, click the Done button.

To add a Multiple Choice Poll, select Multiple Choice from the Add Poll menu.

You will now see a dialog box with the heading Create a multiple choice poll:

  1. Question: Type the question you wish to ask here.
  2. Embed Media: Check the checkbox if you wish to embed media into the question.
  3. Upload an Image: Select this option to upload an image from your computer by clicking the Choose File button.
  4. Enter URL: Select this option to embed media from a website. Copy and paste the URL of the media you wish to embed in the space provided
  5. Answers: Enter the answer text in the space provided, and click the Correct button on the right to mark an answer as correct. Click the Delete (X) button to remove an answer choice.
  6. Click the + Answer button to add additional answer choices
  7. All correct answers must be selected in order to be correct: Check this box to only grade items where students have selected all correct answers as correct.
  8. Require Justification: Check this checkbox to require students to justify their answer choice using a free response form.
  9. Feedback: Click on Feedback to expand the Feedback area to enter feedback for the item.
  10. Click the Preview button to see a preview of how the activity would appear to students.
  11. When finished, click the Done button.

Adding a Short Answer Poll

Image of the create short answer activity dialog box with the following annotations: 1.Question: Enter the question you wish to ask here.2.Click the Preview button to see how the question appears to students3.Click the Done button to create the question.

To add a Short Answer Poll select Short Answer from the Add Poll menu.

You will now see a dialog box that says Short Answer Poll.

  1. Question: Enter the question you wish to ask here.
  2. Feedback: Click on the Feedback link to expand the feedback area and type feedback in the field provided.
  3. Click the Preview button to see how the question appears to students
  4. Click the Done button to create the question.

Creating an Image Quiz

Image of an Image quiz dialog box showing the following steps: 1.Question: Enter the question you wish to ask here.2.Click the Choose Image button to upload an image.3.After uploading the image, the selected image will be visible. Click the Mark Solution button to define a region in which selected answers would be marked as correct.4.Require Justification: Check this checkbox to require students to justify their answer choice using a free response form.5.Click the Preview button to see how the question appears to students.6.Click the Done button to create the Image Quiz activity.

To add an Image Quiz, click on Image Quiz in the Add Poll menu.

You will see a dialog box that says Create an Image Quiz Poll.

  1. Question: Enter the question you wish to ask here.
  2. Click the Choose Image button to upload an image.
  3. After uploading the image, the selected image will be shown on screen. Click the Mark Solution button to define a region in which selected answers would be marked as correct.
  4. Alt Text: Enter the alt text for the image in the space provided.
  5. Require Justification: Check this checkbox to require students to justify their answer choice using a free response form.
  6. Feedback: Click the Feedback link to enter feedback for the item.
  7. Click the Preview button to see how the question appears to students.
  8. Click the Done button to create the Image Quiz poll.

Creating an Ordered List Poll

Creating an Ordered List Activity

To add an Ordered List activity, click on Ordered List in the Add Activity menu.

You will see a dialog box that says Create an Ordered List Activity:

  1. Question: Enter the question you wish to ask here.
  2. Has a correct answer: Check this dialog box to mark answers as correct or incorrect.
  3. Answers: Enter the answers in the correct order, with one answer per blank.
  4. + Answer: Click the + Answer button to add additional answer choices.
  5. Require Justification: Check this checkbox to require students to justify their answer choice using a free response form.
  6. Feedback: Click on the Feedback link to enter feedback for the poll.
  7. Click the Preview button to see how the question appears to students.
  8. Click the Done button to create the Ordered List activity.


Creating a Numerical Activity

Image of the Creating a Numerical activity showing the following annotations: 1.Question: Enter the question you wish to ask in the space provided.2.Enter the range of acceptable values in the spaces provided. Leave the second box empty if you want an exact value to be considered correct.3.Require Justification: Check this checkbox to require students to justify their answer choice using a free response form.4.Click the Preview button to see how the question appears to students.5.Click the Done button to create the Numerical activity.

To add a Numerical poll, click on Numerical in the Add Poll menu.

You will see a dialog box that says Create a Numerical Poll:

  1. Question: Enter the question you wish to ask in the space provided.
  2. Answer Type: Select either Range or Exact Value and enter the range of acceptable values in the spaces provided.
  3. Require Justification: Check this checkbox to require students to justify their answer choice using a free response form.
  4. Feedback: Click on Feedback to expand the Feedback section and enter correct and incorrect feedback.
  5. Click the Preview button to see how the question appears to students.
  6. Click the Done button to create the Numerical activity.