Adding Slides to a Presentation

This guide will demonstrate how to add slides to an existing presentation.

Adding New Slides

Adding New Slides

To add new slides to the presentation:

  1. Click the Add Slides button
  2. Select whether you wish to upload slides, import from your library, or to create a media slide.

For more details about adding slides, please read the guide on Adding Slides to a Presentation.


Uploading Slides

Image of the Echo360 File Uploader showing available services on the left, and a box with the text labeled Drag File Here or Choose File

To upload slides, select the Upload Slides option from the Add Slides menu. To upload slides:

  1. Select the source to upload the file from.
  2. If uploading from your computer, drag a file within the square or click the Choose File button. If uploading from a service, you will see a message asking you to connect to that service.

Once you have uploaded your file, the file will now appear in your Library.

Uploading an Existing Presentation

Image of the Select Content from your library dialog box showing a list of presentations and instructions indicating to select a presentation from the list. An arrow is pointing to the done button in the bottom right with instructions to click Done.

To upload slides from an existing presentation, click on the Import from Library button in the Add Slides menu. You will now see a dialog box labeled Select Content from Your Library. To upload slides, click on the presentation you wish from the list and click Done.

Selecting Slides to Add

Image of the imported slides screen with the following annotations: 1.Select the slides you wish to add.2.Click the Move Selected to Presentation to add the selected slides to the presentation.

To add slides:

  1. Select the slides you wish to add.
  2. Click the Move Selected to Presentation to add the selected slides to the presentation.

Adding a Media Slide

Image of the Create a Media Slide dialog box showing the following annotations: 1.Enter URL: Select this option and paste the URL of the content you wish to embed in the presentation.2.Upload an Image: Select this option and click the Choose File button to upload an image from your computer.3.Click the Done button to create the media slide.

To add a media slide (a slide containing images or audiovisual content), select the Media Slide option from the Add Slides menu.

You will now see a screen labeled Create a Media Slide:

  1. Enter URL: Select this option and paste the URL of the content you wish to embed in the presentation.
  2. Upload an Image: Select this option and click the Choose File button to upload an image from your computer.
  3. Click the Done button to create the media slide.