Blackboard Ultra Course View Features Versus Original Course View

This table will provide the features for Original Course View (OCV) and Ultra Course View (UCV).

Original Ultra Status Details
Adaptive Release Release Conditions Available Edit and limit availability for content for conditions that must be satisfied before content is available to students.
Availabilty Exceptions Accomodations Available Ultra Course View is now found in the Roster for Accommodations to set for due date and time limit. 
Blogs TBD Future Consideration Planned for Ultra Course View. Still available for Original Course View.
Create Content on Left Course Menu -- Discontinued For Ultra Course View the left Details & Actions menu is not customizable. Ultra Course View has Course Content area to the right of the Details and Action menu. Original Course View content can be created on the left Course Menu.
Contacts -- Discontinued Not planned for Ultra Course View. Still available for Original Course View.
Course Reports Student Activity Available Ultra Course View uses Student Activity in the Activity Stream. Original Course View uses Course Reports to download student activity.
Delegated Grading Parallel Grading Available  Ultra Course view allows for 2 non student course members to grade and reconcile grades. Original Course View can be assigned to a subset of students, reconcile, see rubrics/scores, and feedback submitted by other graders. 
Date Management Bulk Edit Available  Ultra Course View uses Bulk Edit. Original Course View uses Date Managment which still allows for bulk delete. 
Discussion Board Discussions Available  Ultra Course View Discussions are located at the top tabs. Features planned for 2023 from Blackboard for Ultra Course View Discussions are to prevent students from editing or deleting their posts, subscriptions, cannot be set as anonymous. Ultra Course View will provide a notifications of Discussion Posts in the Activity Stream. 
Glossary -- Discontinued Not planned for Ultra Course View. Still available for Original Course View.
Grade Center Gradebook Available
Lesson Plan -- Discontinued Not planned for Ultra Course View. Still available for Original Course View.
Performance Dashboard Class Performance and Course Activity Available  Ultra Course View uses Class Performance and Course Activity to view student performance. Original Course View uses Performance Dashboard to view student activity.
Retention Center -- Discontinued Ultra Course View uses Activity Stream to alert for students who are falling behind, absent, or failing. 
Self and Peer Assessment Peer Review Available  Ultra Course View allows for Peer Review but no longer includes Self-Assessment. Original Course View allows for both Peer Rview and Self-Assessment.
Send Email Messages Available Ultra Course View uses the Messages tool that has the ability to select to send an email message. 
SlideShare/Flickr -- Discontinued Not planned for Ultra Course View. Still available for Original Course View.
Surveys Forms Released & Planning to Implement Ultra Course View uses Forms which includes surey functionality. Blackboard is planning to implement anonymous functionality to be included to Forms.
Tasks -- Discontinued Not planned for Ultra Course View. Still available for Original Course View.
Wiki -- Discontinued Not planned for Ultra Course View. Still available for Original Course View. Wiki for Groups is a future consideration.

Functionality Changes

  • Content Folders and Learning Modules can only be nested two levels deep. If your current course has nested folders, you will want to reorganize your course.
  • Customizing the Course Menu is no longer an option. All course content is built within the content window.
  • UCV offers a simplified version of the text editor used in OCV.
  • Tests in UCV support the following question types: Calculated Formula, Calculated Numeric, Essay, Fill in the Blank, Matching, Multiple Choice, and True/False. 
    • Tests made in OCV which contain unsupported question types will not import to the Ultra Course View. 
    • Unsupported question types include Hot Spot, Jumbled Sentence, Ordering and Quiz Bowl questions.