Create an Announcement

This article will cover creating an announcement in Blackboard Learn Ultra

This information is for Ultra Course View, please visit Original Course View for Announcements.

Creating the Announcement

Image of announcement tab

1. Select the Announcements tab.

2. Select Create Announcement.

3. Or, select the plus sign in the circle.

Image of text box

1. Type an announcement title in the text box.

2. Select all course members or drop down arrow to select individual members.

3. Type in the announcement message in the text box.

4. Select the check box to send an email copy to recipients. This will go the student's Outlook email.

5. Select the check box to schedule the announcement to be sent in the future.

6. Select Save.

A schedule announcement cannot send an email copy.

Posting the Announcement

Image of post now

After creating the announcement it becomes a draft. Select Post Now and students will see the announcement.