Navigating Ultra Courses as an Instructor

This guide will demonstrate how to navigate Blackboard Learn Ultra courses as an instructor.

This information is for Blackboard Ultra Course View, go to Original Course View.

Overview of Ultra Course Navigation

A course in Blackboard Learn Ultra consists of the following areas:

  1. Banner links: Use these links to access course content and communication tools
  2. Course Content: Course content items appear in this area
  3. Course Management: This area allows instructors to perform administrative tasks within their course
Image of top content tools

This area allows you to access course content and communication tools

  1. Content: Click here to view course content
  2. Calendar: Click here to view the course calendar
  3. Announcements: click here to access course announcements
  4. Discussions: Click here to access the course discussion board.
  5. Gradebook: Click here to access the course gradebook.
  6. Messages: Click here to view and send course messages.
  7. Analytics: Click here to view course analytics and data
  8. Groups: Click here to view groups
  9. Student Preview: Click here to enter the student preview mode.

Course Content

Image of course content

Course Content will appear on the right. Items will appear in line on screen. Unlike in Learn Orignal courses, there is not a separate course menu.

  1. The icon indicates the type of item. An icon with a slash indicates the item is not presently visible to students.
  2. For folders and learning modules, click on the ^ button to expand them.
  3. To modify an item, click on the three dots [...].

Moving Course Content

Instructors can easily move content between folders. Just ensure that the destination folder is open before you begin.

In this example, moving Assignment 1 out of the Prepar for Online Learning Module and into Masterting Time Management module.

1. Open both learning modules or folders.

2. Hover to the left the 6 dots will appear. Click and hold the content you want to move. A draggable handle or icon will usually appear, allowing you to pick it up. While holding down the mouse button, drag the content to the new location.

After dropping the content, double-check to ensure it has been successfully moved and appears where you intended.

Course Management

Image of details and actions

The course management section allows instructors to manage the course site.

  1. Course Faculty: The list of individuals teaching the course will appear here.
  2. Roster: Use this link to view and manage course users.
  3. Progress Tracking: students can check to see their progress throughout the course
  4. Course Image: Click this link to change the course image (visible in the tiled course list)
  5. Class Collaborate: Click this link to manage Blackboard Collaborate sessions
  6. Attendance: Click this link to manage attendance in your course.
  7. Books and Tools: Click this link to manage textbooks and course tools
  8. Question Banks: Click this link to manage question banks for tests in the course.
  9. Conversion Exceptions: For courses converted for Learn Original, click here to view conversion exceptions.
  10. Microsoft Teams: a web conferencing and file share tool outside of Blackboard