Navigating your Blackboard Course
This guide will show instructors how to navigate through terms, list vand grid view, search for courses, hide courses, and mark courses as favorite.
1. Selecting the left arrow will provide options to go to previous semesters.
2. Selecting Current Courses will provide a list of semesters instructors can choose to go to and view courses from different semesters.
3. Selecting Upcoming Courses will open up the page for the next semester.
4. Courses can be viewed inl ist view or grid view. By default, the courses are shown in list view.
5. The search box allows instructors to search for courses.
6. When searching for a course, filter through different criteria to narrow down a search.
7. Selecting the star will make that course a favorite and will move it to the top above all courses.
8. Selecting the 3 dots will provide the options to make the course private or hide the course.
Change Course View from List to Grid
Select the option that appears as 4 boxes to switch to grid view.
If your students have never used Blackboard Learn before for their courses, you might want to share the following link with them, to help them get started: Student Guides and Documentation