This guide will demonstrate how to view and grade an assignment attempt with a SafeAssign report in Blackboard.
Accessing the Grade Center

Log into your Blackboard course and go the Control Panel:
- Click on Grade Center.
- Select Full Grade Center.
Accessing a Student's Submission
Locate the column that contains the student's assigment submission. Hover your cursor over the cell that contains the student's submission, and click the chevron that appears in the student's cell. Select the attempt you wish to view from the menu.
Viewing and Grading a Student's SafeAssign Submission
You will now see a screen labeled Grade Assignment:
- A preview of the item the student has submitted will appear on the left. Click on the Comment button to add comments to the student's submission
- Submission: A list of submitted items for the assignment will appear here. Click on the arrow button to save files to your computer.
- SafeAssign Submission: The percentage displayed here shows what percent of the student's submission matches other sources in SafeAssign's database. Click the View Originality Report button to view details on the report.
- Attempt: Click here to enter a grade for the student's current attempt.
- Grade: The student's final grade for the assignment will appear here, based on how the assignment column is set up to handle multiple attempts. To override the final grade, click on the pencil icon to change the grade.
- Feedback to Learner: Enter feedback for the student's attempt here.
- Add Notes: Click the Add Notes link to add grading notes that are visible only to instructors.
- To save the student's grade for the current attempt, click the Submit button.
- Use the arrows at the top of the page to navigate between multiple attempts or students.
Viewing SafeAssign Reports

Above is a portion of a SafeAssign report.
- The upper left portion of the screen shows the item name, word count, and the percentage of matching text.
- Citations: This section contains the list of suspected sources. Click on a specific source name to view the original source.
- Source highlighting in the document can be triggered by clicking the highlight button to the right of the source name.
- Select Sources and Resubmit: this option allows users to uncheck sources to exclude when reprocessing the report. For instance, an instructor can uncheck sources that are cited properly to view only those that are improperly cited.
- The left section shows the paper text in its entirety. Text that matches the suspected sources are highlighted with a number that corresponds to the source in the Citations field to the left.
- Users can press the Print button to print the report.