In addition to moving files within the current course, the Blackboard Content Collection allows instructors to move content between courses. This guide will demonstrate how to move content between courses.
Accessing the Course Content Collection

To access the course content collection, go to the Blackboard Control Panel:
- Click on Content Collection.
- Select the course ID of the current course listed beneath the Content Collection header.
Moving Files, Part 1

You will now see a screen labeled Course Content. To move course files and folders to another location:
- Locate the file(s) you wish to move and check the checkboxes to the left of the filenames.
- Click the Move button at the top of the page.
Moving Files, Part 2

After clicking the Move button, you will see a screen labeled Move Content:
- Content Information: This section lists all the selected files.
- Destination: Click the Browse button to locate a destination within the course. For more information, please refer to the next step.
- If selected, the system automatically overwrites the existing file with the same name: Check this option to overwrite any existing files within the selected destination folder.
- When finished, click the Submit button to move the files into the selected folder.
Accessing Other Courses Folders
After clicking Browse, you will then see the Content Collection for the course. To access folders for other courses, click on the upward-pointing arrow button to view the list of courses you are teaching.
Selecting Course Folders
The Browse Content Collection screen will now list folders for each course you have instructor access to:
- The Course ID of the courses will appear in the Name column. To access folders within a course directory, click on the course ID here.
- To move the file to the root directory for the course, select the radio button next to the course you wish to move the content to.
- When finished, click the Submit button. You will then be returned to the Move Content screen.

After clicking Submit, you will receive a purple notification bar indicating that moving the item was successful.