REVEL integration with Blackboard utilizes the Blackboard Partner Cloud to offer the following features:
Single Sign-On (SSO) for students and instructors. With single sign-on, students are ready on their first day.
On-Demand Grade Sync. Instructors choose when and which REVEL assignments sync.
Ability to create new REVEL courses from Blackboard. Set up your courses quickly and easily.
Step 1 - Enable the Content Market to Access Publisher Content
If you have not done so already, you must first enable the Content Market tool by following the instructions in the "Enabling the Content Market to Access Publisher Content" ScreenStep Guide.
Step II - Create a Link to Pearson REVEL in a Content Area

Once the Content Market tool has been activated in your course site, you can create a link to Pearson REVEL by following these instruction provided by Pearson: Integrate REVEL with Blackboard.