This guide will demonstrate how to view submission receipts of student work in the Grade Center. Submission receipts are saved even if an assignment attempt is ignored or deleted by the instructor. However, submisssion materials can not be retrieved.
Viewing Submission Receipts, Part 1

To view submission receipts:
- Click on Reports in the Grade Center
- Select Submission Receipts from the menu.
Viewing Submission Receipts, Part 2

Submission receipts can be viewed either by looking up individual user information, or instructors can look up a specific submission receipt code to view the student who submitted the item.
- Options: Use this dropdown menu to switch between looking up all activity for a specific user or looking up a specific submission receipt.
- Use the first selector to look up by username, last name, first name, or email address.
- Use the second selector to determine the search method: Exact match, Contains, Starts With or Not Blank.
- Type the search term in the box and click Go to search by user.
- To search by confirmation number, change the option to Confirmation Number and use the dropdown menu to select the search method.
- Enter the search term in the space provided and click Go to search by confirmation number.
Viewing a Sample Submission Receipt

The image above shows how a submission receipt appears to instructors:
- Confirmation number: The student's submission receipt number will appear here.
- Student: The student's name will appear here.
- Submitter: For group assignments, all students in the group will be provided a submission receipt. This field will show the name of the student who submitted the assignment for the group.
- Coursework: This column shows which assignment the submission is for.
- Date: This column shows the date and time the assignment was submitted.
- Submission: This column shows the method used to submit the assignment (written submission or attachment).
- Size: This column shows the total size of the student's submission.