This guide will demonstrate how to grade students' journals in Blackboard.
Accessing the Journal Link

To access the Blog tool, click on the Journals link in the course menu
Accessing the Journal
You will then be taken to the Journals page, which lists all the course journals. To access a journal, click on the name of the journal.
Grading a Journal
After selecting a journal, you will now see the journal title at the top of the screen. To grade a student's journal:
- Use the dropdown menu at the top of the right column to select a student's journal to grade.
- Index: Use the Index to select individual journal entries to view.
- The student's journal entries will appear on the left side of the screen for review.
- Grade: Enter the student's score in the field provided.
- Feedback - Shown to Learner: Use the text box provided to enter feedback on the student's performance.
- Add Notes: Click the Add Notes link to enter grading notes that can only be seen by the instructor.
- When finished, click the Submit button to save the student's grade.