This tutorial will show you how to add a link to a course tool such as Messages or Discussion Board to the course menu in your Blackboard Learn course site. Without a link to the tool in the course, students enrolled in the course will not be able to access the the tool.
Adding a Tool Link, Part 1

- To add a link to a course tool, hover over the Add Menu Item button (the + sign).
- Select Tool Link from the menu that appears.
Adding a Tool Link, Part 2

You will now see a dialog box similar to the one in the image above labeled Add Tool Link:
- Name: Type in a name for the link.
- Type: Select the type of tool link to link to from the drop down menu.
- Available to Users: Check the box here to make the link available to students.
- Click Submit when finished.
The tool link will now be added to the bottom of the course menu.