Course Reports allow instructors to view details on how many times students have accessed a Blackboard course, and what times they accessed the course. This lesson will explain how to run course reports in your Blackboard course.
Running Course Reports, Part 1

Log into your Blackboard course, and locate the Control Panel:
- Click on Evaluation.
- Select Course Reports.
Running Course Reports, Part 2

You will now see a screen labeled Course Reports that lists all the available course reports you can run:
- All User Activity inside Content Areas
- Course Activity Overview
- Course Coverage Report
- Course Performance
- Overall Summary of User Activity
- Student Overview for Single Course
- User Activity in Forums
- User Activity in Groups
To run a report, hover over the desired report and click the chevron next to the report. Choose Run from the menu that appears.
Setting up the Report Parameters
You will now see a screen labeled Run Reports. This screen is based off the All User Activity inside Content Areas report, and other reports may have different parameters.
- Select Format: Select the file format to save the report as.
- Select a Start Date: Use the date selector to select the beginning date for the report.
- Select an End Date: Select the ending date for the report
- Select Users: Select which users to include in the report. Hold down the Control key (Command key on Mac) to select multiple users.
- Click Submit when finished. Blackboard will now generate the report.
Downloading the Report

The report should download automatically, and depending on your browser, either a download window will pop up, or it will appear in the downloads bar. If the file does not automatically download, click on Download Report to save the report to your computer. The report will show how many hits each student has made in a course tool or content area, what days the student accessed the report, and the percentage of time spent in each content area.