This guide shows how instructors can change course image, make course private, and hide a course.
Change Course Image

To change the image, hover over the course and select the 3 dots that appears. Select Edit course image. Image must be at least 1200 x 240 pixels, Images with text don't scale well.
The image will display as the course card thumbnail on the Courses page. Students will also see the same image.
Make Course Private
Marking a course private locks the course to instructor-only access. Enrolled students will not have access to a course that is made private.
This is not recommended. If you need to work on an area of your course, please use the hide/show item options inside the Blackboard course rather than hiding the entire course from students.

Hover over the course and select the 3 dots that appears. Select to Make course private.

The course will show as private and you can select to open the course back up.

Hover over the course and select the 3 dots that appear and select Open course.
Hide a Course
Hiding a course removes it from your view in Blackboard. This is useful when you have a merged course site and want to hide the multiple child course sites.

Hover over the course and select the 3 dots that appear and select Hide course. Instructors will now see that course in the course list.

To find the hidden course, select the All Courses drop down to Hidden from me.

Hover over the course and select the 3 dots that appear and select Show course to unhide the course.

To go back to your course list, go to the filter drop down and select All courses.
Hiding a course only hides it from your view in Blackboard. It is not the same as closing the course or making it private to prevent student access.