This guide will demonstrate how to create, post comments, and edit wiki content in a wiki.
Accessing Course Wikis, Part 1

To access a course wiki, log into your Blackboard course and click on the Wikis link in the course menu.
Accessing Course Wikis, Part 2
You will now be taken to a screen labeled Wikis that lists all the course wikis. To access a wiki, click on the name of the wiki you wish to access.
Creating the Wiki Home Page
If this is the first time you have accessed the wiki, you will see a screen similar to the one above labeled Create Wiki Page with a message at the top reading: No Pages exist for this Wiki. Please Create the Home Page. For instructors, it is recommended to create a home page for the wiki to provide students with a starting point that they can edit or link additional pages to. The Wiki Page Content Section allows instructors to create the wiki page:
- Name: Enter a name for the wiki page here.
- Content: Use the text editor to author content within the Wiki page.
- When finished, click the Submit button to create the wiki page.
Wiki Overview
After creating the home page for the wiki, you will now see a page similar to the image above with the name of the wiki at the top of the page. The items on the page allow users to add content or edit the existing content:
- The currently selected wiki page will appear on the left.
- To edit the current wiki page, click the Edit Wiki Content button that appears in the upper right hand corner of the wiki page.
- To add a comment to a wiki page, click the Comment button at the bottom of the page.
- To add an additional page to the wiki, click the Create Wiki Page button at the top of the screen.
- Wiki Details: Expanding this section in the upper right hand corner allows users to view summary information on the wiki.
- Wiki Navigation: The area on the bottom right lists all the pages in the wiki, allowing for easy navigation and quick editing of pages.
The steps below will provide information on how to create additional pages, edit pages, and comment on pages.
Creating a New Wiki Page
After clicking the Create Wiki Page button, you will then see a page labeled Create Wiki Page that allows you to create a new wiki page:
- Name: Enter a name for the wiki page here.
- Content: Use the text editor to author content within the Wiki page.
- When finished, click the Submit button to create the wiki page.
Editing a Wiki Page
After clicking the Edit Wiki Content button, you will then see a screen labeled Edit Wiki Page, along with the contents of the page to be edited:
- Name: Enter a name for the wiki page here.
- Content: Use the text editor to author content within the Wiki page.
- When finished, click the Submit button to create the wiki page.
Commenting on a Wiki Page

After clicking on the Comment button on a wiki page, the comments section will expand:
- Comment: Type your comments in the space provided.
- When finished, click the Add button to save your comment.