This guide will demonstrate how to create a Course Export File package which allows instructors to reuse course content. Unlike an archive package, instructors can select which course materials to include in an export package. For more information on creating Archive packages, refer to the Archive Package guide.
Creating a Course Export Package
Accessing Packages and Utilities

Under the Course Management section of the course menu, click on Packages and Utilities and select Export/Archive Course from the menu.
Creating an Export Package File

You will now see a page labeled Export/Archive Course. On this page, select the Export Package link at the top of the page.
Selecting Export Package Contents

You will now see a screen similar to the one above, which will ask you which icons you wish to include in your export package.:
- Click the radio button next to Copy links and include copies of the files in the course default directory.
- Click the radio button next to Copy links and include copies of the files outside of the course default directory.
- Select Course Materials: Use the checkboxes to select which materials you wish to include in the archive package. Click Select All to select all the checkboxes.
- When fiurnished, click Submit to process your export package. You will then seen a purple banner stating that the action has been queued, and an email will be sent to you when the package is ready.

Accessing and Downloading Export Packages

To access course archive and export files, go back to the Export/Archive Course link under Packages and Utilities. On this page, you will see a list of available export and archive file packages. To download a package, click on the package file and save it to your computer.