User Progress allows users to view a content item's current visibility to students, as well as allowing instructors to see which users have marked an item as reviewed.
Viewing User Progress for a Content Item, Part 1

To view User Progress for a content item, hover over the item, and click the button that appears to the right of the item title. From the menu that appears on screen, select User Progress.
Viewing User Progress for a Content Item, Part 2

You will now see a screen labeled User Progress, which shows a table with the following columns:
- First Name: The user's first name will appear here.
- Last Name: The user's last name will appear here.
- Username: The users' username will appear here.
- Course Role: The user's course roule will appear in this column
- Visibility: This column indicates whether or not students can see the item. An eye icon indicates that students can view the item, while an eye with a red slash through it indicates that students are unable to see the item.
- Reviewed: If students have marked the item as reviewed, a checkbox will appear in this column for the student.
- Date Reviewed: The date the student marked the item as reviewed will appear in this column.