A wiki is a document that participants can edit collaboratively, and is ideal for course or group projects. This guide will demonstrate how to set up a course wiki.
Accessing Course Wikis

To access a course wiki, log into your Blackboard course and click on the Wikis link in the course menu.
Creating a Wiki
You will now see a page labeled Wikis. To create a wiki, click on the Create Wiki button at the top left of the page.
Setting up the Wiki Information:
You will now see a screen labeled Create Wiki. The section labeled Wiki Information allows instructors to edit the wiki information:
- Name: Enter a name for the wiki here.
- Instructions: Enter a description of the wiki for students here.
Setting up the Wiki Availability

Wiki Date and Time Restrictions allows instructors to modify when the wiki is available to students.
- Wiki Availability: Select Yes to allow students to access the wiki.
- Limit Availability: Use the time and date selectors to select a Display After and Display Until date to limit the wiki's availability to a specific time period.
Setting up the Wiki Participation Settings

Wiki Participation allows instructors to open or close the wiki to student participation:
- Student Access: Select Closed to Editing to close the wiki to student editing, or select Open to Editing to allow student access to edit the wiki.
- Student Comment Access: Select Closed to Commenting to prevent students from commenting on wiki pages, or select Open to Commenting to allow students to comment on wiki pages.
Setting up the Wiki Grading Options
Wiki Settings allows instructors to enable grading for a wiki assignment:
- Grade Wiki: No Grading: Select this option to create the wiki as a nongraded wiki.
- Grade Wiki: Grade: Points Possible: Select this option and enter the total point value for the wiki assignment to enable grading. This section will then expand to show the following options:
- Show participants in "needs grading" status (!) after every N Page Saves: Check this box and use the selector to determine how many page saves are required for each student's contribution to show as Needs Grading in the Grade Center.
- Due Date: Check the checkbox and use the date and time selectors to set up a due date for the wiki.
- Associated Rubrics: Click on the Add Rubric button to add a rubric for grading the Wiki. You can choose to select an existing rubric, create a new rubric, or create a new rubric based off an existing rubric.
- When finished, click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to create the wiki.
Wikis in Activity Stream
Instructors and students will receive a notification in Activity Stream when a new Wiki Entry is made.
Instructors and students can manage their Activity Stream Notifications to choose which Wiki activities will view in Activity Stream.