This lesson will demonstrate how to grade an assignment within Blackboard using an Interactive Rubric
Accessing the Grade Center

Log into you Blackboard course and go to the Control Panel:
- Select Grade Center
- Click on Full Grade Center.
Accessing a Student's Assignment Attempt
Within the grade center, locate the student and the column for the assignment. Hover in the cell that contains the student's attempt, and click on the chevron that appears. Select the attempt you wish to view from the menu that pops up. A yellow exclamation point indicates that the student's attempt needs grading
Viewing the Student's Attempt

You will now see the following screen that shows the student's attempt.
- User: The student's name will appear here.
- In the left portion of the screen, you can view the currently selected submission item.
- Submission: The bottom right portion of the screen allows you to view additional submitted materials.
- Click the downward facing arrow to expand the grading panel.
Grading by Rubric

After expanding the grading panel, you will see a screen similar to the one above. Blackboard provides for two methods for grading by rubric:
- Under Grade by Rubric, click on the name of the rubric to grade the rubric inline (the rubric will appear next to the assignment submission)
- Rubric Detail: Click on this button to grade using the rubric in its own window
The steps below will detail both methods of grading by rubric.
Inline Rubric Grading

The rubric will now appear in the grading panel:
- Show Descriptions: Check this box to show descriptions of the rubric grading criteria.
- Show Feedback: Check this box to show the textboxes for entering feedback for each criterion.
- Select the radio button for each rubric criterion to assign a score
- Feedback: Enter feedback for each criterion in the space provided
- Raw Total: The student's raw score will automatically be updated
- Change the number of points out of NN to: This option allows users to update the student's raw score
- Feedback: This space allows instructors to send general feedback regarding the rubric to the student.
- Save Rubric: Click this button to save the rubric grades.
Grading Using the Rubric Grid

After you click on the Rubric Detail button, you will now see a Rubric Detail screen similar to the one in the image above.
- Grid View|List View: Click on the appropriate option to toggle the rubric view between grid and list views.
- Rubric Grid: The criteria will appear as rows, and the levels of achievement will appear as columns. For each row, select the radio button in the cell that corresponds to the level of achievement demonstrated by the student. When you select a cell, a textbox for comments will appear, and instructors can type in comments for the criterion in question. Repeat this process for each row.
- Raw Score: The student's raw score based on the selected rubric criteria appear here.
- Change the number of points out of NN to: This item allows for the student's raw score to be changed.
- Feedback: Overall feedback regarding the rubric can be updated here.
- When finished with the rubric grading, click the Save button.
Finishing Up

You will now see the raw score added to the student's attempt grade after entering the rubric grades.
- Attempt: The grade from the rubric grading for the current attempt.
- Grade: This option allows instructors to override the grade that is reported for the student in the grade column.
- When finished with grading, click the Submit button to save the student's grading activity: Note: It is important to press the Submit button prior to exiting back to the grade center, otherwise the student's rubric grades will not be saved.