Data exported from the Grade Center can be edited in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. In order to import data, data must be saved as a comma-separated (.csv) or tab-delimited (.txt) file.
New columns from data imports can only be imported to Blackboard as text columns. Instructors would need to edit the columns in Blackboard in order for the columns to function as grade columns.
Accessing the Grade Center

To access the Grade Center for a Blackboard course, log into your Blackboard course and go to the Control Panel:
- Click on the Grade Center heading.
- The Grade Center section will expand. Select Full Grade Center from the available options.
Uploading Grade Center Data
You will now see the Full Grade Center for the course. To export the Grade Center data:
- Hover over the Work Offline button in the upper right hand corner.
- Select Upload from the menu.
Importing a File
You will now see a screen labeled Upload Grades:
- Attach File: Click on the Browse My Computer or Browse Course button to upload a .csv or .txt file for importing to Blackboard.
- Delimiter Type: Select the appropriate delimiter type based on the selected file, or select Auto to determine the delimiter type automatically.
- To import the selected file, click the Import button at the bottom of the screen.
Upload Grades Confirmation

You will now see a screen labeled Upload Grades Confirmation that shows an overview of the changes to the Grade Center that will occur when the file is uploaded. To discard uploaded changes for a column, deselect the checkbox in the Upload column for the item in question. Review the changes on screen, and click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to import the data.