This guide will demonstrate how to edit the membership of group sets.
Accessing the Groups Tool

Log into Blackboard and go to the Control Panel.
- Click on Users and Groups.
- Then click on Groups.
Editing Group Set Memberships
You will now be taken to the Groups list. To edit the properties for a group set, locate the name of the group set you wish to edit in the Group Set column and hover over the name of the set and click the chevron button that appears to the right of the group set name. From the menu that appears, select the item labeled Edit Group Set Membership.
Managing Group Set Enrollments

You will now see a screen labeled Edit Group Set Enrollments that will allow you to add members to each group within the set.
- Filter Available Members: Hide members already in another group in this set: Check the box here to hide members that have already been added to another group within the current set.
- Click the Randomize Enrollments button to randomly enroll students into each group.
- Name: The name of each group can be modified by changing the value in the Name field.
- To add members to a group, click the Add Users button. A new screen will pop up where you can select users. See the next step for further details. Repeat this step for each group.
- If you do not need a group within the group set, click the Delete Group button to remove the group.
- To delete a student, click the X button next to the student you want to remove.
- If you need to add an additional group, click the Add Group button at the bottom.
- When finished with setting up the group enrollments, click the Submit button and the groups will be created.
Selecting Students

You will now see a screen labeled Add Users:
- Search: Use the search bar and the criterion selectors to search for a specific user to add and click Go to search.
- Show all Users Regardless of Role: Check this option to list users with roles other than student.
- The list of course users will appear here.
- Check the checkboxes to select the users you wish to add.
- Use the page navigation buttons to navigate between multiple pages.
- Click the Show All button to show all users on one page.
- Click the Edit Paging button to manage how many users are listed per page (maximum: 200 per page)
- When finished, click the Submit button to add the users to the group.
After clicking Submit, you will then be returned to the Edit Group Screen, and the students will have been added to the list of group members.