Each Blackboard course that is created is done so with a common course shell. Please see the guide below for an explanation of each link in the shell.
Menu Links

Course News - This area is the course's default landing page and contains three basic modules (Announcements, To Do, and What’s New) that give information to users based on their enrollment and their role in the system. Students can navigate to individual items to take action.
Start Here - This is a blank content area in which you can place your course orientation materials to help your students get started with this course.
My Grades - This link allows students to view grades within their course. Grades entered by the instructor in Blackboard’s Grade Center are visible to the student here.
Learner Support - This area contains critical information about technology support, accessibility and disability support services, eLibrary services, eTutoring services, along with Blackboard video tutorials and a browser requirements check.
Instructor Support - This area is only visible to instructors and it describes where to get technical support, documentation, and training on Blackboard Learn, other educational technologies, and course design.
LibGuides - This link contains research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by University of Toledo librarians.
Lecture Capture (Echo 360) - This link contains information on how to use Echo360 to record and publish lecture videos to your Blackboard course.
Web Conference (Class Collaborate) - This link shows how to to access Collaborate to use for live, virtual class sessions.
Course Evaluation-This link will allow students to access end-of-term course evaluations using the CampusLabs portal. There will be a separate link on this page for Instructors to access evaluation results once the results have been made available for instructors to view.